ВЂў Quick removal of several programs - quick removal of one or more applications ВЂў Forced uninstallation - removal of problematic applications or remnants of previously deleted programs Database of logs - contains data tracked by the team of developers installations to remove installed applications.Monitoring installations in real time - for a more complete removal.You can use the logs to uninstall programs in one click and get the best uninstall results. Revo Uninstaller Pro includes a log database created by the program development team. Even if you have not tracked the installation of a program, you can still remove it using the installation log.The user can view all the changes made during the installation of the program and use this information to uninstall the product in one click - it's very simple!

The program offers easy, easy-to-use, but at the same time powerful and effective methods to remove programs without leaving traces.Forced uninstallation is an excellent solution for removing problematic programs, partially installed solutions, and programs that are not marked in the installed list. Revo Uninstaller Pro has a powerful feature called "Forced Uninstall".The user can automate the uninstall process and uninstall multiple programs at once using the quick uninstall feature. After the program's standard uninstall utility has completed its work, you can remove unnecessary files, folders, registry keys and values that usually remain on the computer. With advanced and fast algorithms, Revo Uninstaller Pro analyzes application data before uninstallation and scans software traces after successful uninstallation.Deleting files without any possibility of recovering them.Clear history in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera and Netscape browsers.

Revo Uninstaller has an advanced system scanning algorithm before and after installation and allows you to remove files, folders and registry keys left after uninstalling the program.